Thursday, December 16, 2010

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays

With this month being the last month of 2010, I'd like to say that this past semester has been very rewarding for Mrs. Beaumont and myself. We have seen many students take giant steps in their academic skills and I am looking forward to seeing many goals reached this coming year for all of our students.
This January I am starting a Materials Resource Center campaign for our EC students who come to "the Cave" for instruction, as well as, for the students we serve in the classrooms. The Materials Resource Center will be for each class where our students are instructed so that they can go to it to get paper and pencils when they don't have any in class. Instead of making an issue of them not having materials, I believe it is better to help them get right on task as soon as possible. By providing a center where they know they can get a pencil instead of spending 10 minutes looking for one in their backpacks, they will be saving time and get to their task quickly and without pressure. The less pressure on them for something as small as a pencil the better.
I know they need to learn to be responsible but I believe they are learning that in other ways and appreciate the help to make school a more desirable place to be. If you would like to donate to EC Materials Resource Center please bring any pencils, pens, pencil grips, or lined paper to "The Cave" at the Media Center and mark it Materials Resource Center or put them in my mailbox in the office. Thank you so much.
Mrs. Beaumont and I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. We look forward to an excellent New Year full of students making great strides forward.
Mrs. Peele