Tuesday, May 10, 2011

May 10, 2011

With the energy level of our students at its peak, I have been creating some new lessons outside for some of my students. With the EOG 's in mind, we played a game with stickers to see which sticker in a line up of stickers was the "mode". It was pretty obvious but a great visual, I thought anyway. With a number on a group of about 8 cards, I lined the cards up on the ground. I asked the students to show me what they would do first if asked to find the median of the set of numbers. One of the students in the group remembered to arrange the numbers in order. Another student started turning over the cards from the outside in. Great! They were left with 2 cards in the middle and I asked, "What do you do now?" They were partly right and we proceeded to add the two together and divide by 2 to find the Median.

Another fun activity to find the "Main Idea" was to have two teams. We had two on each team.

I wispered the name of an object to the one student on each team. The other team member was the "artist". When I said "Go" the first team member told the artist shapes to draw on his paper

and where to put them but that is all he could say. I timed them for one minute and said "Stop".

The artist then had to guess what it was and whoever guessed their team got a point. We discussed the shapes representing details and how together they formed the "Main Idea" just like in a story.

I will be praying that all of our students do well on their EOG's. They have worked so hard to prepare for their tests.

Mrs. Peele