Sunday, February 3, 2013


There are so many great themes for February- President's Day, Black History, Valentine's Day and more.

The 6th grade class is reading Number the Stars, by Lois Lowry. This week I will be supporting themes in this book which is about two families living during the Holocaust in Denmark. We will work together to devise a plan to hide a family as if we were living during that period in history. We will study a map of Europe and locate Denmark and Sweden and more....this will encourage inferencing, new vocabulary, and drawing conclusions.

All of our students are working hard in all subjects.

The EC Department just had our second EC Continuous Improvement Plan meeting where we discussed
two activities for our plan from last year for various indicators. We discussed what is going well and what still needs improvement.

We hope you all have an excellent February. Please welcome our new High School EC Teacher:
Ms. Lili Moiroira. She is doing an excellent job and we are so excited to have her as part of our EC Team.

Thank you,
Mrs. Peele