Sunday, May 4, 2014


End of the Year 

I just finished a course called "Reading Foundations". I learned so much about teaching reading to students with disabilities in this course. One thing that I wanted to share with you is the importance of fluency, decoding words/phonics, and reading comprehension and that they all need to be taught in order for students to become good readers. It is my goal to continue to do just that.

As we wind down the year, my students have just written some amazing  Who, What, Where, When, and Why poems. Just answering these questions and putting them in poetry form was amazing. They are so creative and I shared some of them with Mrs. Haumont in the Media Center. By writing this type of poem, the students gained more practice in getting into the habit of answering these questions in their reading and writing.

I am working with some of the teachers in working on practice EOG readings and math problems.
I use a  checklist for each reading passage and ask the students questions about the passage as we read together. I am reading Paddle to the Sea to my fourth grade students and asking them EOG type questions as we go along.

It is a time of high anxiety at home and at school. Exercise is so important for each child. Focusing on the task at hand can help kids not get so overwhelmed with all that they need to do before the last day of school.

Thank you, parents, for all that you do with your kids. They are such a pleasure to work with.
We will be working very hard from now until the last day of school. I am so proud of all of my students.

Thank you and have a positive last few weeks of school,
Mrs. Peele