Friday, September 3, 2010

Happy September!

Welcome back to Neuse Charter School. Our Exceptional Children's Department has been busy so far this semester. Our students have settled into their classes and seem very happy with all of their teachers. It is great to have so many new students with us this year. Mrs. Beaumont and I are looking forward to great steps forward from all of our students this semester.

The Exceptional Children's Department motto this year is "Put Your Best Foot Forward!"

With Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder comes many difficulties that take a lot of work to overcome both by the student, as well as , by the parents. Please check out these websites that may inform you further about ADHD and what you can do to help yourself , if you have AD/HD, or your student:

Children and Adults with AttentionDeficit Hyperactiity Disorder-

The National Resource Center on AD/HD-

Some helpful tips on organization would be to have your middle school/high school student
use a clipboard for take-home papers. Then when he gets home he can file them in a file with colored file folders. Papers are a problem because there are always homework papers, papers for parents, papers of instruction, and papers about projects. Sorting these after the student gets home each day into the colored folders may take stress off the student, as well as, the parents.
A few minutes of exercise before homework is also recommended.

Focusing is a major issue with kids with AD/HD. We are learning new ways to help students focus each day.

Have a great Labor Day Weekend!
Mrs. Peele

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