Sunday, February 19, 2012

I've Got The Main Idea in My Hand

This picture was taken at the St. John's Church in Richmond where Patrick Henry proclaimed,
"Give Me Liberty of Give Me Death"! It was very exciting to stand in that exact spot! Wow!

Mrs. Smith has the Main Idea- she is teaching her class about the Main Idea using a hand illustration and song to go with it. It is a powerful tool for each student to figure out on their own the main idea of a selection. I have incorporated her method into my teaching , as well , with some of my students outside her class.

5th grade is studying Black History and writing about it through their own stories.
I hope to share my slides of Africa this Tuesday to give the kids a greater visual of
the background information that their teachers are giving them.

See you all Tuesday after the workday tomorrow.
I hope to see some snow tonight!

Have a great week.
Mrs. Peele

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