Monday, April 30, 2012

Happy May Day/ Cinco De Mayo

Happy May Day and Cinco De Mayo

 The Exceptional Children's Department held their third and last meeting for the Continuous Improvement Plan Committee (CIPP) for 2011-2012 on April 24, 2012. The minutes were as follows:

Mrs. Peele welcomed everyone and opened the meeting at 3:30. 
Reviewed progress toward improvements:
  • accommodations schart aaccessible to teachers in Google Docs
  • improved communication with support services(speech, OT, psychologist, etc.)
  • improved record keeping at NCS and CECAS
  • improved communication between EC and eachers
  • designated SAT Team and referral process
  • better parent/EC communication
  • communication with State Monitor
  • quarterly EC district meetings
Suggestions for improvement:
  • minimize distractions in areas used for pull-out testing(eg. media center)
  • students need t know test location prior to tst
  • more immediate communication with new teachers
  • communicate betwwen teachers and subs if testing is planned
  • communicate to teachers as schedules change and as IEP's change

Mrs. Beaumont and I will be attending the area wide district EC meeting with the state tomorrow in Rocky Mount. We will receive training and updates about pertinent and important information concerning our department.

I hope you all have a great week,
Mrs. Peele

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