Monday, February 21, 2011

Spring Fever

This is Gizmo! I do believe he has "spring fever"! At Neuse Charter School we all had a little bit of that with the great weather we had throughout the week last week.

Please come to the PTO Auction at our new gym on Booker Dairy Road, Tuesday night at 6:30,
March 1st. The baskets that will be auctioned are full of so many great items.

Dr. Seuss' birthday celebration will be March 2nd, starting with a green eggs and ham breakfast in the Media Center. Be sure to turn in your original illustration with caption to me in the Media Center by this Thursday! Prizes will be awarded!

The seventh grade is doing a great study for Black History month, this month, with the book Chains, by Laurie Halse Anderson. For students with reading disabilities this may be difficult to comprehend. Look around the internet on YouTube and SchoolTube for videos. I found one by a young man who did a rap song all about the book. He gave a great summary which I will use in my class. Also has this book on audio which can be downloaded directly to your PC or phone or IPod.

Some of my students are implementing the tool where their spelling and vocabulary words are spoken back to them for auditory learners and games are created with their words for those who are primarily visual learners. I am a visual and auditory learner so I need both.

The high school students have been creating games as part of their study on The Odyssey.
The games they have made in teams, are of sections of the story and they are great learning toolare s because they include questions that the students ask each other and have to answer in order to proceed in the games.

The third graders have been working so hard on reading comprehension in Language Arts, and on learning to count change back in math. Progress is being made in both classes.

The fifth graders are doing a study on Black History and they are making quilts that have material dyed using herbs and berries.

I have mentioned just a few classes of amazing work that is going on with our EC students as well as all of our students at Neuse Charter School. Thank you, parents, for all that you do for and with your children.

Have a great week.

Mrs. Peele

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