Sunday, March 6, 2011


Swansboro, NC

This past week I took a course through Scholastic on Adolescent Literacy. It was an interview with Mrs. Robb who has written books on teaching reading, one of which I use in my classes.

She had so many great suggestions about working with students, especially in the 7th grade.

One recommendation was using more technology with the students. I tried one of her suggestions and used technology is a new way this week and it created a whole different atmosphere in my class. Sentences were initiated by my student instead of by me and it gave the student permission to create on her own which she loves because she is very creative.

We live in a very technical world and, used correctly, technology can be a great tool with our students.
Seventh grade is finishing up Chains, by Laurie Halse Anderson. I love historical fiction and especially the Revolutionary War period. It brings in slavery at that time which I find very interesting because you usually hear about slavery being associated with the 1800's.
Ninth grade has begun reading To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee. Did you know that this was the only book she ever wrote?
Other classrooms at school are doing many wonderful things.
When students have difficulty with spelling, try having them cut out their words and sort them into similar groups, discuss similarities in each group, contrast groups as well, and have your student write down their words in the groups he/she created. Use a file folder and paste an envelope in the file folder for different words: spelling, vocabulary, science, social studies, etc. or different envelopes for different categories could work too: tion, sion, on, un.
The Dr. Seuss week of celebration was enjoyed by all!
This week is Book Fair! Buy, Buy, Books!
Have a great week:)
Mrs. Peele

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