Sunday, March 27, 2011

March 27, 2011

This is what I saw on the edge of Selma on my way home from school on Friday. I had to stop and take a few pictures.

This week the fourth grade is studying math vocabulary words. I went on eduplace and made copies of their vocabulary words and will use them for several games this week. Check out for more valuable helps for your kids.

Come to the TALENT SHOW , April 1st, this Friday! We have so much talent in our school. There will be a student art exhibit too!

The EC Continous Improvement Committee will hold a stakeholders committe meeting this Wednesday in the Media Center at 3:45.

Colored plastic sheets, called Overlays, are helpful to children who see the words moving on the page causing it to be difficult to read. Many students are helped by these Overlays. If your student has difficulty with fluency or comprehension try different colors of clear plastic over their pages. Pink is a favorite color of many students.

Have a great week!

Mrs. Peele

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