Sunday, March 27, 2011

March 27, 2011

This is what I saw on the edge of Selma on my way home from school on Friday. I had to stop and take a few pictures.

This week the fourth grade is studying math vocabulary words. I went on eduplace and made copies of their vocabulary words and will use them for several games this week. Check out for more valuable helps for your kids.

Come to the TALENT SHOW , April 1st, this Friday! We have so much talent in our school. There will be a student art exhibit too!

The EC Continous Improvement Committee will hold a stakeholders committe meeting this Wednesday in the Media Center at 3:45.

Colored plastic sheets, called Overlays, are helpful to children who see the words moving on the page causing it to be difficult to read. Many students are helped by these Overlays. If your student has difficulty with fluency or comprehension try different colors of clear plastic over their pages. Pink is a favorite color of many students.

Have a great week!

Mrs. Peele

Sunday, March 20, 2011

March Madness

The students that saw the UNC show this week really enjoyed it. If you looked out at the sky last night you had a show as well of the beautiful orange full moon and the brightest one for a very long time.

While teaching spelling this week, my students seemed to do better while sorting their words into four main groups. They were studying two distinct spellings of two sounds. This helped them categorize their words and they each received a great grade on their test.

While reading an article in Scholastic News, my students enjoyed the topic of volcanoes. With this high interest topic, I was able to frequently interject questions as we were reading to see if the students were comprehending the material. Getting students reading a variety of reading materials can be a challenge. Scholastic News is a great resource for any age student.

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The ninth grade has done an excellent job while reading To Kill a Mockingbird. Their projects are due this week and they will be finishing up the book the first of the week. A test will also be given on the book. I'm looking forward to seeing the class projects.

Third grade has been working hard on reading comprehension practice. In math, we have been working in centers which allows the teachers to see where the students are excelling and it allows the students to interact with each other while learning new information such as fractions.

Check Spelling

The students have been playing "Pizza Sandwich" which teaches equivalent fractions as they cover up parts of one pizza with fractional parts of another.

All of our students are doing a great job!

Have a great week:)

Mrs. Peele

Sunday, March 6, 2011


Swansboro, NC

This past week I took a course through Scholastic on Adolescent Literacy. It was an interview with Mrs. Robb who has written books on teaching reading, one of which I use in my classes.

She had so many great suggestions about working with students, especially in the 7th grade.

One recommendation was using more technology with the students. I tried one of her suggestions and used technology is a new way this week and it created a whole different atmosphere in my class. Sentences were initiated by my student instead of by me and it gave the student permission to create on her own which she loves because she is very creative.

We live in a very technical world and, used correctly, technology can be a great tool with our students.
Seventh grade is finishing up Chains, by Laurie Halse Anderson. I love historical fiction and especially the Revolutionary War period. It brings in slavery at that time which I find very interesting because you usually hear about slavery being associated with the 1800's.
Ninth grade has begun reading To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee. Did you know that this was the only book she ever wrote?
Other classrooms at school are doing many wonderful things.
When students have difficulty with spelling, try having them cut out their words and sort them into similar groups, discuss similarities in each group, contrast groups as well, and have your student write down their words in the groups he/she created. Use a file folder and paste an envelope in the file folder for different words: spelling, vocabulary, science, social studies, etc. or different envelopes for different categories could work too: tion, sion, on, un.
The Dr. Seuss week of celebration was enjoyed by all!
This week is Book Fair! Buy, Buy, Books!
Have a great week:)
Mrs. Peele