Sunday, September 11, 2011


Having stopped today to remember the victims of 9/11/01 and praying for those that need God's comfort and love because of it.

Our students all seem to be off to a great start this year at our new school.
In science, many students are studying weather. They have been writing weather words in cursive, breaking words into syllables, and matching words with their definitions. They watched a short video from scholastic on the weather cycle:  I thought you would enjoy it too, even though they will have a test on it tomorrow, Monday.

In math, students are working hard in fourth grade on the different forms of numbers: short word form, expanded form, and standard form. I focus on what the teacher is teaching in the Standard Course of Study supported by work with memorization of basic facts, reading and understanding directions, and steps in problem solving and the students' individual goals, more specifically.

Mrs. Beaumont and I will be working "off campus", Tuesday, 9/13/2011.
Have a very good week!
Mrs. Peele

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