Monday, September 26, 2011

Homework Help!

Welcome to my blog:) I hope you all had a great weekend. I am concerned for students and parents that battle constantly with homework. Here are some suggestions to help you through the year:)

1. A clipboard in the backpack to clip extra papers for mom and dad or notices of any kind.

2. Check you child's agenda each night whether they like it or not.

3. Use color coded folders for each subject.

4. Check to make sure that the homework actually has been completed. Please do not just take your child's word for it, which I know sounds as if you are not trusting them, but you are just making sure it is completed properly in order for them to get a good grade and you both to have peace of mind.

5. Check the teachers' websites consistently as things change quickly as you all know. Go to and click on teacher blogs and then on the corresponding teacher blog pages.

I hope these few things will help. If you are already doing them - give yourself an extra pat on the back ! Have a more peaceful week!
Mrs. Peele

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