Monday, December 5, 2011

December 5, 2011

Tomorrow night, Tuesday, December 6th, is the Art Show and Christmas Concert at NCS starting at 6:15. We hope you all can come!

My classes have been busy using for spelling and vocabulary practice.
This week the students will focus on the skill of Inference. Students with learning disabilities have difficulty with abstract concepts and with the help of picture clues and demonstrations and sequence, I will teach them the skill of Inferring information from their reading selections.

Math skills are improving with my students and this week we will be applying the skills they are learning in class to word problems that they may encounter on the EOG in the spring. Understanding the vocabulary in the word problem is half the battle. Once they know what is being asked of them they are ready to conquer each problem.

I hope you all have a very good week. Don't forget the Booster Christmas shopping extravaganza coming up!

Mrs. Peele

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