Saturday, November 19, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

Monday- November 21st- Neuse Charter's first basketball game of the season!

*5A is having a math test- please study hard!

Students are continually encouraged to use to study their vocabulary in all subjects including math and science. This is an excellent tool and makes studying fun! Wow!

*Please donate to the library's fund raiser going on now (check Mrs. Souter's Blog)!

Tuesday- November 22nd-

I am continuing to use the " Recipe For Reading" program with some of my students.

This week we will be focusing on syllabication. They have been studying detached syllables and now this week we will begin to put the syllables together to form words with two or more syllables. For reading comprehension we will focus on "the main idea" using short articles that I read aloud and have them choose the correct main idea (from LinguiSystems).

Math vocabulary is so important. Many times, students with learning disabilities, have difficulty connecting from the instructions to solving the problem because of not comprehending the verbage used. For example the term "evaluate" may cause them to not solve a simple problem just because of not understanding what is being asked of them in the directions. Increasing vocabulary is so important in all subjects for all students but with students with learning disabilities it is especially important in order for them to not lose their focus on the problem at hand and move on in their completion of problems.

*On behalf of Mrs. Beaumont and myself, we hope you all have a very Happy Thanksgiving!

Mrs. Peele

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