Saturday, October 29, 2011

Tips for a Successful IEP Meeting

Tips for a Successful IEP Meeting

I wanted to share this very helpful article from the National Center for Learning Disabilities' website.
It gives insight into the law, as well as tips for parents and other team members. I hope it is encouraging to all who read it. It was to me.

It is my hope that all IEP team members feel apart of our team at Neuse Charter School. It takes all of us to work together to learn and discover about our students. They are so unique and have so much to teach us.

As we begin the next nine weeks, I will continue to use the "Recipe for Reading" program with my Language Arts student. This program is supported by the Orton Gillingham program. It is an excellent program because it helps students through different methods of learning-visual, auditory, and kinesthetic.
Last week, I had my students perform a listening exercise which I call " Wack-it, Smack-it". As I read a story to my students they were to listen to words ending with "tion" (shun) or "sion"(zhun). If they heard such a word they were to slap the "water"(a blue piece of paper) with a fly swatter. The students that heard the words helped the others who had more difficulty pin-pointing the words by slapping the paper.
Trust me it would get anyone's attention. As we continue to study phonological sounds and their spellings, it is my hope to see our students improve in spelling, reading, and written expression.

Math disabilities can take many forms from what I have observed. One day it seems as if the student understands a concept, and the next day while reviewing the same concept you find a specific area of that concept that is the trouble spot, so to speak. Through continual observation, assessment, and data collection by the teacher and student I hope to see steady improvements with our students.

Feel free to contact me at
Have a great week!
Mrs. Peele

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