Friday, August 17, 2012

New Beginnings Lead to New Possibilities

New Beginnings Lead to New Possibilities

As we start out the 2012-2013 school year, I have already seen great potential in our students.

Not only academically but socially. I was leaving one of the buildings this morning and one student was carrying a bag for another student who needed help. After they got to class, another student in the class came to help as well. What a great start to the new school year! Students helping students!

Our speech classes will begin the week of August 27th, as well as the Occupational Therapy classes.

Mrs. Jernigan is our new Exceptional Children's teacher. Mrs. Beaumont and I welcome her and we hope you have a chance to meet her soon. She is also the elementary school's guidance counselor.

We are all excited about a new school year with amazing possibilities for our students!

Mrs. Peele

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