Sunday, September 23, 2012

Last Week of September

Dates to Remember:

  • Tuesday, September 25: Severe Weather Practice
  • Thursday, September 27: Picture Day!
  • Teacher Workday- October 22nd
Our students are working very hard with a great positive attitude.
Parents, please check your children's teacher blogs for assignments and projects.

Homework Help:

  • Check your child's agenda against your child's teacher blogs.
  • Have your student place homework in a bright red folder marked HW before he/she goes to bed.
  • Sign your child's agenda if applicable.
  • Check on projects- mainly grades 4-11.
  • Break a project up into sections per night for your child so that they are not overwhelmed.
  • Keep project parts in a clear plastic scrapbooking box marked with the project's name.( Michael's has them with handles)
  • It's okay to ask your child to see his/her homework whether they want to show it to you or not.
  • Don't accept, "I don't have any" for an answer when you ask your child if they have any HW.
  • Again, check out the teacher blog and/or email/call the teacher to make sure.
Incomplete Assignments:

  • If your child has an incomplete on his/her progress report, give your child direction as to how to make it up.
  • Check with the teacher as to how long he/she has to make it up.
  • Write it down on your child's agenda and your family calendar when it is due as well as other assignments.
"Finishing is Better Than Starting"
Have a fabulous week!
Mrs. Peele

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