Sunday, October 14, 2012

Pressing On for Excellence !

What a beautiful weekend we just had! I even got to show a pig at the NC State Fair and won a third place ribbon!

The homework situation is improving. I have seen a red folder that is working! That is great news!
Please continue to make sure you as a parent check your student's agenda daily to make sure they are on track with assignments and if possible, their teachers' websites. Thank you parents!

Transitions for our students are difficult. I am going to start placing a sticker on the day one of my students has a change in his schedule with me until he gets used to it. Try this at home if your child has difficulty with a change in schedule. Place a schedule on the refrigerator and on the day you know there will be a change such as a friend coming over to visit or you need to go out to the store or to an appointment, place a star or sticker on that day and time. This helps everyone remember that there will be a change taking place at that time and you can all prepare for that ahead of time.

Please have your student use or another helpful vocabulary/spelling website of your choice to help with sentences, vocabulary, writing practice, spelling and more.

Teacher workday- 10/22/12

Have a great week-
Mrs. Peele

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