Saturday, September 7, 2013

    Week of September 9, 2013


This is my mystery photo !Can you guess what it is? Check back next week and I will put in my blog what
this is. The point is you may perceive this as one thing but someone else may see it as something completely different. Our brains all work so differently, consequently we learn in different ways too.  

Linguisystems is a learning publisher that has so many great tools. One of them is one I use to build sentence structure. Starting with a basic noun and a basic verb, the students see two pictures and write what they see underneath the picture after talking about it first. They continue step by step to build sentences with more and more parts of speech. 

Graphic organizers are something I use almost every day, especially in writing. It helps the students organize their thoughts and follow procedure at the same time. An example is a bubble map: graphic organizers
These charts or diagrams can be used for homework or for prewriting a story or a paragraph or essay.
When you click on the link, look at the bottom of the page you see first and it will say graphic organizers.

Have a great week and watch how your child learns this week- I'll be watching him/her too! We can all learn together. There is so much to learn and so many different ways to learn. That is good news for me, you, and all of my students. Check out some of my websites this week on the RIGHT side of my blog. 

Colored overlays are so great! Not sure what I mean? Go to the store and look for colored clear plastic
notebook dividers. Place them over a page one at a time in front of your student. See if your child responds positively to any one color when trying to read. Sometimes students see letters moving on the page and the overlay helps that to stop so that they can concentrate on the words. There are so many things that our children may be going through that they may find difficult to even verbalize. This is one tool that may solve many problems when it comes to fluency, decoding,, and comprehension. It may not be needed at all but it's worth a try if you suspect problems with reading.

Mrs. Peele

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