Sunday, January 12, 2014


Full Steam Ahead

We are almost at the end of the first semester. It is hard to believe. I have seen so many great changes in our students but with today's standards it never seems to be enough. Do you ever feel like that? Please keep working with your students with all the love and understanding that you are giving them. It will prove to be a positive source of encouragement at all times. Love goes a long way in these days of stress and anxiety.

Last week I spent some time doing some reading and phonics testing. It proved to be very helpful and a positive tool in knowing what and where the students are missing certain skills.

Music helps kids memorize facts.
Reading helps kids learn to read.
"Thinking Aloud" while reading helps them to remember what they read.
Graphic organizers kept beside a student to mark on while reading helps a student remember what he has read and organize his thoughts, thus develop the main idea of a selection.
Vocabulary of questions is a major stumbling block to many students.
Please help explain the "lingo" in the question. Does he/she understand what is being asked, much less get the right answer!?  How do we expect the student to get the correct answer if he/she doesn't understand what is being asked?
NOT is a big, giant work to watch out for in test questions. Please help your student be aware of that dreaded word and what the question with NOT in it means.

January 16 and 17 are Teacher Workdays 
January 20th- Martin Luther King Junior Day

January 24th Report Cards go home

Thanks for all that you are doing for your kids!
Mrs. Peele

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