Wednesday, January 22, 2014

EC Cipp Meeting Announcement

Working to Make Kids Smile
Teaching students to write is a great reward for me as a teacher. Two of my students have been working on constructing a paragraph using all the stages of writing. Using a graphic organizer to get their thoughts down first, they wrote down any word they could think of about a trip that they had taken at one time. Next, they wrote three details and explained the details. After that they wrote their introductory sentence and conclusion sentence. Once they did that, they put all those sentences into their rough draft. They are already smiling and so proud of their work and they haven't even finished.
I attended my first out of four Foundations in Reading class. This is part of a state initiative to instruct teachers to help teach students with disabilities. The class was held in Greenville, NC.
**Next Thursday, January 30th at 3:45 there will be an EC Continuous Improvement Plan Committee meeting. Anyone on the Board of Education is invited and any teacher/administrator is welcome, as well. We will discuss the improvements we as an EC team have made this year in the referral process and in other areas. Activities for areas of improvement will also be discussed. One area is how to help K-3 EC students improve their Reading 3-D scores and how to help students in grades 3-12 improve their EOG and EOC scores.
*Report Cards and EC Report Cards go home this Friday.
*Awards will be next Friday, January 31st.
Enjoy the rest of the month!
Mrs. Peele

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