Sunday, October 10, 2010

October 10, 2010

A new product called Intel Reader is out! Wow! I'm sure this is very expensive but it is a wonderful Assistive Technology tool for students who have difficulty reading and writing.

Go to for more information.

This device looks like a camera and takes pictures of text then converts the text to speech.

A head-set is included. This would be great for students who have difficulty taking notes, as well.

Mrs. Beaumont will be at school Tuesday through Thursday and I will be in Monday through Thursday of this week.

There will be an Exceptional Children's Improvement Team meeting this Wednesday in the Technology Lab at 4:00.

The Book Fair will be this week- come by the Media Center and check out the books, etc !

The State Fair starts Thursday in Raleigh- Mr. Peele and I will be showing pigs this Saturday, October 16, at 12:30 in the Kelly Building which right next to the Jim Graham building.

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