Sunday, October 17, 2010

October 18, 2010

A few pics from the NC State Fair this weekend :) My husband showed one of his pigs on Saturday and won the Grand Champion prize for that show! There is a great Wildlife exhibit if you go this weekend.
This Friday and following Monday are teacher workdays.
The last day of this quarter is October 21st so please have your students check with their teachers this week about any grades the teacher is missing. There are several that I know of.
Report cards and also EC Report Cards go out on October 28th.
With vocabulary being so vitally important to reading for our students, it may be necessary to isolate the words the student is studying from the list and have your student:
1. Cut out a picture out of a magazine to paste next to the word.
2. Draw a picture to help remember the meaning of the word.
3. See the word used in print in several forms of text- newspaper, book, magazine.
When a student is a visual learner, just hearing or reading the text is not enough to remember it.
A visual reference may be needed in order for the student to gradually remember the word.
The MAIN IDEA of a text can be tricky. I am seeing ways of teaching this element of reading through Teaching Reading by Laura Robb in a new way. She presents steps that lead up to the student arriving at the main idea in any text. This involves recognizing details and summarizing what has just happened in the text whether it is a short paragraph or an entire story. As a student verbalizes what is taking place in what they are reading, it helps them to then see the whole picture instead of a small part.
Mrs. Beaumont will be in our office Tuesday through Thursday and I will be in Monday through Friday. Please feel free to email us at or
Have an awesome autumn week:)
Mrs. Peele and Mrs. Beaumont

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