Sunday, October 3, 2010

Week of October 3rd

Isn't it great to have had the rain and now cool weather?
This week is Picture Day on Wednesday!

I will be focusing on "Fast Writes" in my Language Arts lessons with some of my students. This is a term used in Laura Robb's , Teaching Reading. I will model this strategy for the students where we will focus what the students already know about a subject that they will be studying.
In fourth grade we are studying snakes. The students will take a few minutes and write everything they can think of about snakes. It will help me learn what they already know and help themselves discover what they, themselves know about a subject. They will also learn from each other. This is a pre-writing and learning strategy to help them connect with the topic and help them to remember what they will then read about snakes this week.

In math I am focusing on students memorizing their math facts in order to be able to complete their math problems in class.

Fall is such a great "sensory" time of year. There are so many beautiful colors, sights, and smells, sounds, and objects outside. A fun activity for those students who love art is to gather some natural objects from outside and set up a still-life scene. Present markers, paints, or colored pencils, erasers, and ask your child to draw and color what they see. Then have them write a four line poem about their picture.

The PTO meeting is Thursday night at the Temple Baptist Church on HWY 301 /bus. 70.

Have a great week,
Mrs. Beaumont
Mrs. Peele

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