Saturday, January 8, 2011

January 10, 2011

I have noticed that many of our students like using our headsets to help block out noise while they are testing. If you would purchase a set of earplugs for your student to keep in his/her backpack with his/her name on the package that would be a great help. They have them at Walmart.

At you can have your student start a homepage and collect spelling and vocabulary lists. I have started doing this with some of my students because from the list the website turns the list into word searches, games, sentences, and crossword puzzles just to name a few of the great activities. It is great because it reads the sentences to the student and gives them definitions which are also read out loud to them. I highly recommend this sight.

The EC Improvement Team will meet soon. Please watch for a date and time. I hope to meet in the next two weeks.

Have an inspiring week :)

Mrs. Peele

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