Sunday, January 23, 2011

January 24, 2011

This week , although cold, will start the beginning of the third quarter. I am very excited about the work that is being done and the grades achieved by our students this past quarter.

The 9th grade is reading the Odyssey and doing amazing related activities.

The 7th grade is beginning Chains. I love historic fiction and this is a great book.

The 5th grade will be working in literature centers during language arts and accomplishing many goals in each center.

4th grade continues to work hard on vocabulary and spelling along with readings from their reading book.

6th grade is also working very hard.

The students worked very hard on their practice EOG tests last week and the week before.

My schedule and Mrs. Beaumont's schedules have changed slightly. If you need to reach us the best time would be at 12:00 in the Media Center.

The EC Continuous Improvement Stakeholders committee meeting will be held in the Media Center this Wednesday, January 26, at 3:45. There is a notebook in the school office for public viewing.

I continue to encourage parents and students to use the Spelling City website for improvement in spelling, vocabulary, and language.
Report cards will go out Friday. For students with IEP's, an additional progress report will be included in the envelope.
Awards assemblies will be on Friday, with grades 5-9 @ 9:00, and grades K-4 @ 10:30

Thank you and have a great week,

Mrs. Peele

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