Monday, January 3, 2011

Welcome Back and Happy New Year!

I like to think of all the activity of the second semester as a skier skiing down a slope from the top of the mountain, making several major stops along the way to rest and recover after going over many obstacles. It is always a great sense of accomplishment to reach the base of the mountain in one piece. With our students in grades K-9, we look forward to seeing each student reach their IEP goals and make great progress in all areas this semester.

Some dates to remember:

January 14- end of second quarter

Janurary 17- Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Janurary 18- Teacher Work Day

Janurary 21- Report Cards go home/ Awards

Please check all of your student's teachers' blog pages for updates and homework information.

A great website that I discovered is for math.
Please make sure your student has plenty of pencils and paper for class in his/her backpack.
That takes so much pressure off of them when they go into class just knowing they have supplies accessible to them.

Have a great first week back. We are off to a great start.

Mrs. Peele

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